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Board Paddling Information
A racing mal is a type of paddleboard that is propelled using the arms while lying flat or kneeling. Boards are normally ten feet and six inches in length. A racing mal includes four straps that the rider uses to control the board while catching waves, and while "popping" or "rolling" when paddling out. An optional fifth strap, known as as a 'running strap' or 'popping' strap may be positioned on the left or right side (opposite side to the riders dominant hand). This strap is used for grabbing the board when exiting the water, so as to quickly sprint up the beach during a race. It can also be used to regain control of the board after popping over a wave.
A nipper board is similar to a racing mal, bu designed for younger riders - and therefore smaller and lighter. A surf rescue board is also similar to a racing mal, but wider and more stable, with sufficient volume to support two riders (rescuer and patient)
Winter - TBC
Summer - TBC
Interested in Board Paddling?
If you are interested in board paddling please contact our surf sports manager Connor Polden via email