Nippers ( Junior Activities)
Junior surf life saving is all about learning to be safe in the beach environment. Children are taught the skills they need to ensure their time at the beach is both safe and enjoyable. Through a staged program children learn skills appropriate to their age with the ultimate aim of them going on to become the life savers of the future.
As many of the activities conducted as part of the junior program are water based, Surf Life Saving Australia has developed a Junior Preliminary Skills Evaluation for each age group which must be completed prior to children participating in any junior water activity training. While we would not preclude a child from becoming a member and participating in junior activities if they could not competently complete the evaluation we would recommend that they seek some formalised swimming training.
So how much does Junior Surf Lifesaving cost?
Training times Season 2024/25:
Come and Try Day - 10am-12pm Sunday 10th of November (see our Facebook page for more info)
Thursday's 5pm-6pm (starting 14th November 2024)
Sunday's 10am-12pm (starting 17th of November 2024)
For more information contact: Devonport SLSC Juniors